Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.
This Module is discontinued.
Dual Envelope Generator
New for version 1-2
Functionally 2xADSR is the same as version 1-1, but added capacitors + spdt switches for long/short response. Also...
- added 100n filtering capacitors
- eliminated U4 by simplifying inverted output circuit
- added 4x 100R current limiting resistors to outputs
- Horizontal aligned components
- single screw post
Sometimes you want a couple of simple 4-stage envelopes. 2xADSR is two independent Attack-Decay-Sustain-Release envelopes. Each envelope takes a gate input, puts out a positive-voltage contour, PLUS!... a buffered negative-voltage (DC inverted) contour. So, really, 2xADSR can produce four CVs at the same time. Envelope response is linear, but don't fret young grasshoppa - they are very snappy in SHORT mode indeed. Or long any syrupy in SLOW mode as well. 2xADSR is available as a DIY pcb/panel surface-mount soldering required. 2xADSR uses all very affordable and easy-to-find parts.
Contour Scope Measurements
fast mode:
- attack range 1ms to 1s
- release 1ms to 3.5s
slow mode:
- attack range 10ms-12s
- release 10ms-35s
BOM, schematic on Muffwiggler https://www.muffwiggler.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2836398#2836398
Be sure to check out my other cool modules available in my Reverb store http://reverb.com/shop/gstormelectro