8 HP
22 mm deep
Current Draw
29 mA +12V
33 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$120 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

Roland SH-2 Filter Adaptation

This is the SH2-VCF: a faithful adaptation of the Roland SH-2 low pass resonant 4-pole filter circuit in a slim, skiff/boat-friendly, 8HP Eurorack format module.
Great care was taken to keep the SH2-VCF fully analog circuit as close to the original using carefully selected BA6110 chips in place of the extinct original op amps, and thermistor frequency stabilization.
The SH2-VCF black panel boasts two audio IN jacks with a MIX pot. Two CV IN jacks w/ signal attenuation pots allow you to modulate frequency with any two polar/bi-polar signals, low Hz up to audio rates.

This design using BA6110 chips has been discontinued - Version 2 is now using BA662 clones...
check it out at https://www.modulargrid.net/e/g-storm-electro-sh2-vcf-r2
Be sure to check out my other cool modules in my Reverb Store http://reverb.com/shop/gstormelectro

Ø 5.00 (2 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Oct 23rd 2018, 20:22 by G-StormElectro | last Change Oct 23rd 2019, 04:54 by G-StormElectro

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