10 HP
Current Draw
60 mA +12V
50 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$370 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Voltage Controlled Oscillator

The Grp VCO is an analog precision oscillator with voluminous sound. The module emits sine, triangle, saw and variably wide pulse waves at individual outputs. Additionally, there is a sub oscillator, which can generate signals one or two octaves below the main VCO. Coarse and fine tune controls plus an octave switch allow you to flexibly alter the module’s pitch. Furthermore, there are two FM inputs, one of which is switchable between linear and exponential characteristic. Sync and PWM functions are available as well, of course.


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submitted May 2nd 2017, 14:41 by fsciarra62 | last Change Aug 29th 2018, 22:35 by xtront

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