14 HP
27 mm deep
Current Draw
180 mA +12V
180 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$460 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Analogue Stereo Oscillator

The Instruō cruïnn is an analogue stereo oscillator that utilises through-zero phase modulation to create deep, animated textures.

On top of its single sawtooth oscillator core, cruïnn produces five additional parallel phase-displaced sawtooth variants – each controlled by their own discrete internal triangle waveform LFO. With both on-board and external control over the LFO rates and modulation depths, cruïnn effortlessly creates, super-super-super-super-super saws, lush pads, phasey basses, and chaotic effects.

With cruïnn’s included passive 4 HP Expander, access to all six waveforms are available. Add to that the ability to individually displace the phase of each waveform via CV and cruïnn becomes an amorphous swarm of harmonically rich sawtooths.


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submitted Sep 1st 2022, 21:12 by CiDE | last Change Dec 17th 2023, 05:18 by hawkfuzz

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