16 HP
31 mm deep
Current Draw
74 mA +12V
67 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$340 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Dual Multi Mode Filter with Crossfader

The original circuit was designed by analog guru David G. Dixon after carefully studying and analyzing the classic Korg MS-20 filter. His work resulted in a completely original circuit based around SSM2164 VCA chips. This design is capable of almost identical results but is far more versatile. This is not a clone, it is an entirely new and modern circuit with many enhancements.

-Two independent filters, each with LP, HP and notch modes.
-Unique resonant (Q) drive control
Switch links the two filters allowing both parallel and serial routing via normals to input B (which can be broken by inserting a cable at input B).
-Oscillates very easily and can be used as a dual sine VCO. Using the resonant controls this sine shape can be colored.
-Dual 1v/oct inputs
-Built in full featured cross fader allows voltage controlled crossfading between the two filters. The xfade has a switch to select either unipolar (e.g., envelopes) or bipolar (e.g., LFO) control of the xfade position. There is also a switch to select direction. With nothing plugged into the xfade jack the xfade knob controls the fade position. When an external CV is patched in the same knob acts as an attenuator for the control signal.
-Jumpers on the back to select “modern” or “vintage” resonant modes (two different feedback paths for the resonance that use different diodes)
-Expansion jacks for adding additional filter inputs and VC control of resonance

The Corgasmatron’s sound can range from ultra clean and precise, to extremely ballsy and dirty. The resonance is incredibly musical and is prime for all sorts of experimenting and sound design. The normalling, routing and CV options have been carefully selected to allow for a lot of control over the modules functionality and capabilities.

In addition to traditional filter and VCO applications, the Corgasmatron can also be used to create formant sounds, work in stereo (use the linked FM2 pots and switch the routing to parallel), FM percussion and so much more.


Ø 4.46 (24 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Oct 11th 2012, 19:54 by intellijel | last Change Nov 6th 2021, 19:22 by intellijel

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