This Module is discontinued.
Triangle Core VCO / LFO
The Dixie ii has all the great qualities and features of the original Dixie but has been made a bit wider (6hp instead of 4hp) for better spacing and is now skiff friendly. The panel knobs are bolted on and the jacks have more space between them.
this makes a perfect modulation source to pair with the rubicon. add a ufold, uvca and ufade and you have all the ingredients for a powerful and highly flexible complex timbre generator.
-triangle core (superior for musical fm sounds)
-hi range (vco): 1hz to 24khz
-lo range (lfo): 0.01hz (100 seconds) to 240hz
-precise tracking within 0.1% over 8 octaves
-6 waveforms, including: triangle, sine, sawtooth, pulse (with pwm), square (50% duty cycle), and a unique “zigzag” waveform.
-reversing sync (which can be made into soft sync with an external vca or attenuator)
-jumper on pcb to select center or edge triggered pwm
-header on pcb for connecting master voice controller (e.g. control of multiple dixies in a polyphonic configuration)
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