This Module is currently available.
MIDI to CV/G Interface
the Modular Solo is supplied complete with ribbon cable ready to fit into any Eurorack (A100) format modular system.
Power is supplied by the power supply in the modular case via the backplane
Power consumption +12V supply 85mA max / −12V supply 3mA
+5v supply is not required (needs +/−12V only)
CV & Gate signals can be sent via the ribbon cable to the system bus - selected using jumpers
MIDI In & Out on DIN sockets (MIDI Out can be switched to give DIN Sync 24 instead)
Analogue output CV on 3.5mm mono jack (V/oct or Hz/V or 1.2V/oct)
Gate on 3.5mm mono jack (Gate or S-trig – with or without pullups)
Aux1,2,3,4 on 3.5mm mono jack (all continuously variable)
2x independent clock outs on 3.5mm mono jack
Weight 170g
Dimensions 128mm high (3U) x 50mm wide (10HP) x 80mm deep
D to A conversion for main CV 16 bit high quality / low drift DAC
Non-volatile memory EEPROM (no back-up battery required)
Processor 32 bit ARM processor
Date | Region | Description | Price | Seller |
EU | The overall condition of this *Kenton Modular Solo* is in good condition... | €160,00 | brickman |
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These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?