32 HP
45 mm deep
Current Draw
? mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V

This Module is a prototype or in a concept phase.

Klangbau Köln's take on Rob Hordijk's Benjolin

Rob Hordijk's Benjolin as a Eurorack module, made by Klangbau Köln. Two VCOs, a VCF, the famous "Rungler" and an audio mixer, which can mix the classic PWM sound with the dry VCO waveforms for added fatness. The VCOs can cross-modulate each other, VCO2's triangle wave can control the filter cutoff (if no external cutoff CV signal is plugged in) and the Rungler CV can of course modulate everything too. It's a complex instrument, which doesn't necessarily need any other modules to be enjoyed.

- Rungler CV
- OSC1 Triangle
- OSC1 Pulse
- OSC2 Triangle
- OSC2 Pulse
- Audio Mixer (VCO1 + VCO2 + PWM)

- OSC1 Frequency CV
- OSC2 Frequency CV
- Filter Cutoff CV

A switch lets the Rungler run free, or locks its current pattern.

DIY: Please ask me for assistance or frontpanel files.


Ø 3.33 (3 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Nov 8th 2014, 12:04 by NightMachines | last Change Jun 5th 2020, 17:07 by motorhead412

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