4 HP
50 mm deep
Current Draw
25 mA +12V
0 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$58 Price in €

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S-142 4-step seq

Resetable 4 step sequencer

S-142 4-step sequencer for Eurorack / Doepfer A100 system.

It can work in 4 modes (selectable by internal jumpers, top input + bottom input):
– clock + reset (rising edge of reset signal moves seq instantly to step 1 or to step 4, setting by separate jumper behind top input jack)
– clock + direction (active gate „direction“ reverts sequence to 4-3-2-1-4-…)
– CV + confirm (rising edge of confirmation gate changes step according to CV „address“)
– CV + disable (active gate „disable“ freezes sequence at current step)

Mode jumper settings: no jumper set = clock+reset, top jumper set only = clock+dir, bottom jack set only = CV+confirm, both jumpers set = CV+disable

Top input jack receives trig/gate/clock/CV signal (depends on selected mode of operation), bottom input jack is for trig/gate.
Thresholds (in CV address modes): negative to +1,2V = step1, +1,2 to +2,5V = step2, +2,5V to +3,8V = step3, above +3,8V = step4
CV output range 0-5V.

Width: 4TE/ 4HP/ 20mm
Depth: 45mm /1,8″ max.
Current: 25mA (no need for +5V supply)
Power cable included


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submitted Aug 5th 2016, 03:43 by willbanks | last Change Sep 13th 2017, 16:12 by ParanormalPatroler

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