4 HP
55 mm deep
Current Draw
20 mA +12V
? mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$61 Price in €

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4ch audio-to-trig converter

4ch audio-to-trig converter with adjustable trig time and rest time for making Eurorack-level triggers from audio signals (for example from individual outs from drum machines or similar sources)

From top:
four input jacks (low level external audio up to eurorack level)
four output jacks + LEDs (fixed 5V trigs/gates)

There are internal trimmers for setting trig time and rest time (1ms-500ms). Each input can be AC or DC coupled (set jumper behind input jack for DC coupling) and contains preamp with adjustable amplification (0dB to +26dB, internal trimmer). Output triggers are fixed level (5V) and length can be set by „trig time“ knob. Trig time is counted from first rising edge of incoming audio signal (mode jumper set) or from end of incoming signal (mode jumper removed). This allows fixed length trigs or changing trig length using input signals with different length. „Rest time“ knob disables re-triggering for set time (avoiding false/unwanted triggers).

Some input trigs can be skipped if sum of trig time and rest time is greater than input spacing – module can work as “clock divider”


submitted Sep 1st 2020, 14:54 by seychmar | last Change Jan 7th 2021, 13:34 by fxb_flame

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