This Module is discontinued.
RGB to NTSC/PAL video encoder, clipping and blanking of input signals, RGB contrast, brightness and inversion processing
Color Video Encoder is one of two required modules in the LZX Visionary system, and serves as the system’s primary Composite NTSC/PAL video output. Any signal type, whether video, audio, control voltages, or logic signals, can be input and encoded into stable, viewable video at Color Video Encoder’s output. Color Video Encoder requires connection to a Video Sync generator module in order to function. Multiple Color Video Encoders can be included in a single system.
Red, Green and Blue color channel inputs are processed by level and inversion controls and then summed with a variable -1 to 1 Volt bias control. The resulting voltages are clipped and blanked before being encoded into the Composite video signal to control the brightness of the associated color.
Three independently buffered video outputs, two Composite and one S-Video, can be connected directly to display or recording devices as desired.
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