This Module is discontinued.
Wide range analogue voltage-controlled oscillator with five waveform outputs, pulse-width modulator, and waveshapers, versatile pattern and wipe generation and animation control source
What your ear may hear as a subtle difference, your eye may see as a huge one. Since the end results in video synthesis are visual: texture, pattern, and shape instead of audio, there are a number of features and controls in this VCO design that take into consideration this unique application.
Coarse and fine tuning controls allow oscillator frequency adjustment across over 7 octaves, with a six-position rotary switch allowing selection of 6 separate frequency ranges. Notification LED serves as a useful frequency indicator, showing triangle wave output at lower frequency ranges.
Precision hard sync circuit enables jitter-free synchronization to high speed video clocks when the video is used as a stable image source. Toggle switch selects between Sync Bus 1 and Sync Bus 2, distributed from Video Sync Generator as switched sync sources — this switch may also be set to center, unsynchronized, position for free-running operation. Two separate synchronization modes, trigger and gate, can be enabled via PCB jumper. By default, trigger mode is selected — oscillator will be reset as quickly as possible after sensing a rising edge. Gate mode will hold the oscillator outputs at 0 Volts so long as sync input signal is high.
Two separate frequency modulation channels are accessible, via level and inversion controls. Exponential and linear frequency modulation modes are selectable via PCB jumper and are automatically set to exponential frequency modulation. Exponential scale is 1 Volt for the entire selectable frequency range (the combined range of the coarse and fine tuning controls.)
Pulse width modulation is controlled by the sum of the input to the level and inversion processor, and a bias control. Pulse width is adjustable from 0% to 100% over a 1 Volt scale. This modulation only affects the pulse output.
Sine shape modulation is controlled by the sum of the input to the level and inversion processor, and a bias control. Sine shape is adjustable from 0% to 100% over a 1 Volt scale. This modulation only affects the sine output.
Five separate waveform outputs are accessible: triangle, sawtooth, square (at half the frequency of other outputs), pulse and sine.
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