10 HP
25 mm deep
Current Draw
35 mA +12V
35 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$185 Price in €

No info about availability.

Updated Version of the former Wiard Envelator

A multi-function dual slope linear function generator.

The attack and decay slopes are individually voltage controllable with input attenuators. Each unit ouputs the envelope, inverse of the envelope (negative going envelope), a voltage step signal during the attack phase, and a pulse at the end of the decay phase.

The three-position mode switch determines the function of the envelopes. When set to AR, the envelope will act as an AR envelope, maintaining full level until GATE [in] goes "low". In AD mode, the envelope acts as an AD envelope, and will begin decay as soon as the attack stage is complete. In Cycle mode, the end pulse is fed back to the envelope input, and will force the envelope to re-trigger. In this mode, the Envelator output functions as a shaped triangle waveform LFO. When in Cycle mode, the SQR output acts as a square wave LFO with the pulse width determined by the settings of the A and D controls. This output can also be used to clock.


Ø 4.53 (17 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Mar 11th 2013, 01:26 by DonKartofflo | last Change Jul 13th 2024, 12:57 by mha
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Midwest ModularControlNoisebugThree Wave MusicPerfect CircuitDetroit ModularControl Voltage


Found Sound


Nightlife Electronics

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?