4 HP
39 mm deep
Current Draw
12 mA +12V
12 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$99 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Moog CP3 Mixer

The DTM is a discrete transistor circuit core mixer with 3 inputs and 1 output, based on the vintage Moog CP3. Very similar in features to Manhattan Analog's other mixer, the DTM instead is known for its interesting clipping behavior.

The module is equipped with three inputs and each of them has a level control. The fourth potentiometer O is an offset potentiometer, which generates an offset voltage at the output.
Approximately at 13h-position of the input level potentiometer the channel will start to clip and adds a very transistor-specific sound coloration by saturation.

The module is not limited to mixing and saturating audio signals as you might as well shape control voltgages e.g. altering the shape of an envelope or a LFO and the offest control is very handy for CVs as well.


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submitted Dec 17th 2015, 01:17 by sprout23 | last Change Jan 14th 2022, 01:12 by eltnet