This Module is currently available.
8-Channel Signal Rotator
This 20HP Eurorack module takes 8 inputs (CV 0-5V) and passes them to 8 outputs. The 8 analog signals are then rotated around, clockwise or counter-clockwise, with the tick of a clock signal. Rotation direction can be controlled by the switch or with a 0-5V digital signal. The hold function will stop rotation and can be controlled by the switch or with a 0-5V digital signal. The rotation can be reset at any time with the push button or with a 0-5V digital signal. Manual control may be activated with the switch or with a 0-5V digital signal. The turn of the manual control knob will rotate the signals manually, or it can be controlled with CV input. This 8-channel signal router will allow you to create some wild sequence patterns!
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