12 HP
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$14 Price in €

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"Unicorn Resting In A Garden"

Limited Edition Blank Panel

This is a limited edition blank panel with artwork based on the tapestry known "The Unicorn Rests in a Garden" from the late Middle Ages.

The panel is matte black with cold white silkscreen and gold finish. The unicorn itself is revealed in bare PCB material to allow light to pass through. This means that if you have lights inside your case they will illuminate the unicorn against the rest of the panel!

Read more about the original tapestry here: https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/467642

Available for purchase here: https://www.modularmaculata.com/


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submitted Apr 20th 2022, 07:39 by s________ | last Change Apr 20th 2022, 07:41 by s________

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