14 HP
40 mm deep
Current Draw
10 mA +12V
10 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$141 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Wheel Module

A-174-2 is a modulation wheel module with two wheels. The factory setting is a spring loaded wheel at the left side with bipolar voltage output (i.e. 0V in center position, positive voltage in the upper range, negative voltage in the lower range, voltage range about -5.5 V ... 0V ... +5.5 V) and a wheel without spring at the right side with positive voltage output (i.e. 0V in the lowest position and positive voltage when operated, voltage range about 0...+8 V). For the spring loaded wheel a voltage "plateau" around 0 V is preset (jumper) so that the output voltage is 0 V in a small area near the center position.
By means of jumpers the factory settings can be changed. For each wheel two jumpers are available: one for the voltage range (positive or bipolar) and one for the voltage plateau around 0 V. If these settings are changed even the wheels have to be re-adjusted mechanically. Therefore such modifications should be carried out by a qualified person only. By request the module is available from the factory even with two wheels both with or without springs (additional charges Euro 10.00 for each change).

Important note for module mounting: As the potentiometer of the left wheel projects about 10 mm the rim of the front panel a 2 or 4 HP blind panel has to be mounted left from the module - unless the module left to the A-174-1 has sufficient space in this area (e.g. A-174-1) !


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submitted Oct 6th 2012, 13:36 by Togodumnus | last Change Jun 2nd 2023, 07:59 by DarkBoubou

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