36 HP
48 mm deep
Current Draw
150 mA +12V
100 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$1,195 Price in €

No info about availability.

Zeroscillator V2

Analog Through Zero VCO

In addition to it's precision 10-turn tuning knob, the Zeroscillator has 1V/octave plus attenuated exponential inputs and can behave just like the VCOs you're used to. You are not forced into any specific modality and are free to use all or any subset of its 7 different modulations:

1-Exponential FM
2-Linear Through-Zero FM
3-Linear FM Dynamic Depth Modulation
4-Bi-Phasic Waveform Morphing in Quadrature
5-Pulse Width Modulation
6-Variable Sync (from none to hard synch)
7-Time Reversal

Ø 4.50 (6 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Oct 29th 2012, 12:20 by worker8 | last Change Mar 2nd 2020, 03:46 by CiDE

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