10 HP
35 mm deep
Current Draw
40 mA +12V
35 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$209 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

4 channel VCA

Quattro Figaro is a 4 channel VCA (voltage controlled amplifier) with one CV inverter per channel and outputs of mixed channels. Each channel A,B,C and D has its GAIN knob, CV IN jack with ATTENUATOR knob, INVERTED CV OUT, SIGNAL IN and SIGNAL OUT jacks. The signal gets amplified with gain linear to the control voltage. Control voltages above 6 volts get compressed non-linearly (property of VCA chip). Maximum gain is a little above 2. Amplified signal is outputted from the SIG OUT jack.

Internal routing

Internal routing enables you to use the QF as a simple and powerful panning /crossfading tool. Two pairs (A+B and C+D) are internally routed via the jack switches, which enables you to quickly setup the panning situation. Because the internal routing is done via the connector switches, you can use all the channels independently by plugging in the cables, which disconnects the internal routing.

Signal from channel A is routed to the switch on signal jack of channel B (the same with C and D), which means that the signal from channel A is connected to channel B as long as there is no jack plugged into the signal jack of channel B.

INVERTED CV OUT of channel A is also connected to the switch on the CV IN of channel B (the same with C and D), which means that the inverted CV is connected to the CV input of signal B as long as there is no jack plugged into the signal jack of channel B.


The mixed outputs enable you to use QF as voltage controlled mixer or stereo panning voltage controlled mixer. There are outputs of signal A mixed with signal C, signal B mixed with signal D (note that these two outputs are inverted), all signals mixed together and all signals mixed together but inverted.

Width: 10HP
Max Depth: 35mm
Power: 40mA@ +12V , 35mA@ -12V , 0mA@ +5V


Ø 4.67 (3 Votes) Average Rating
submitted May 21st 2017, 15:50 by mafffia | last Change Nov 5th 2017, 22:52 by comua

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Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?