12 HP
75 mm deep
Current Draw
200 mA +12V
? mA -12V
? mA 5V
$478 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

VCC (Voltage Controlled Computer)

The Voltage Controlled Computer (VCC) is ADDAC’s “Swiss Army Knife” flagship module:

The world's first fully-programmable microcontroller eurorack module.
Built around the Arduino framework, it sports an Atmega2560 IC, USB communication and an 8 channel 16-bit Digital to Analog converter.

It offers true analog bipolar voltage, making it suitable for any kind of application in the modular world.

You'll be able to upload your own programs and have it deliver complex control functions over the analog outputs.
It already ships with a standard set of modes, which you can always modify and update through the Arduino IDE.

Furthermore you can also connect it to any of the ADDAC00X expansions for added functionality like:
. WIFI connectivity
. MIDI connectivity
. DMX Output for controlling professional lightning rigs
. Bipolar CV inputs
. Trigger / Gate Inputs and outputs

One powerful feature is that it can be connected to a computer through USB and interfaced with Pure Data, Max/Msp, Live, IanniX, or your favorite software using OSC or MIDI.

iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch connectivity is also easily achievable through the combination of the ADDC007 Ethernet Module and a wireless router.


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submitted Nov 8th 2012, 15:37 by FSK1138 | last Change Sep 30th 2016, 15:19 by ADDAC System

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