14 HP
23 mm deep
Current Draw
72 mA +12V
125 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$339 Price in €

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Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Percussion Synth Voice

Entity Percussion Synthesizer

The Entity Percussion Synthesizer is a 100% analog, versatile voice module, geared for designing a huge array of percussion, bass and lead sounds and well suited for processing external audio sources.

The design consists of a high fidelity resonant band pass filter, two voltage controlled decay envelopes, multi-mode noise generator, a high fidelity VCA and a voltage controlled diode wave multiplier. Every parameter on the Entity Percussion is voltage controllable.

Features and controls:


BODY control simulates the tightness of a drum head. From soft and muted to flabby and bass heavy.

PITCH affects the frequency of the resonant filter. The nominal control range is from about 8Hz to 2.2kHz. This range is expanded upon use of internal and external control voltage sources.

HARMONICS increases the number of overtones heard via the main resonant sound source. Subtle to extreme. A substantial function of the Entity PS.

RING controls the resonant decay time, independently from the modulation controls. Both short and plucky and very long rings are obtainable. The filter is tuned so that it will always resonate a little, even when RING control is all the way down.

OUTPUT section controls the resonator volume level and the overall output level when NOISE-FILTER mode in enabled. MIX switch selects processing the internal resonator, external source via the EXT IN jack or a mix of both, greatly enhancing the sound capabilities of the Entity PS.

NOISE generator inspired by the Quantum Rainbow 2, with three select-able noise modes - WHITE, PINK and FILTER. FILTER mode routes the noise into the resonator's signal path - to be processed through the resonant filter, harmonics processor and main VCA.

N-LEVEL independently controls the volume and CV level of the noise VCA.


Two voltage controllable decay envelopes are provided to modulate the frequency and/or volume of the resonator and noise. DECAY controls the FM/VCA decay time of the resonator, N-DECAY controls the VCA decay time of the noise generator.

DELAY provides voltage controlled delay of the resonator DECAY envelope with respect to the noise (N-DECAY) envelope - a useful feature for creating various snare, clap and snap sounds and layering internal and external sources.

FM LVL is a bipolar attenuator for controlling the frequency modulation depth of the resonator. The switch below selects the internal resonator decay envelope, a mix of the decay envelope and external FM CV source, or the external FM CV source only.

DUCK output jack provides an offset and inverted copy of the resonator DECAY envelope for ducking VCAs and other modulation duties.

Additional Features

PING! button to demo sounds without a trigger source.

RGB LED for visual feedback of trigger, FM and output waveform

All parameters are voltage controllable.

Very high fidelity design - no generic op amps used in signal path. Only discrete components and audiophile grade op amps. Signal path is completely isolated from euro power rails. High headroom using hotter signal levels and will cut through any mix.

Sonic Scenarios Entity PS overview:

Entity Percussion Synthesizer sound examples:

FM sounds:


Ø 4.33 (18 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Jul 1st 2017, 14:43 by SteadyStateFate | last Change Jun 29th 2022, 16:35 by SteadyStateFate

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