8 HP
22 mm deep
Current Draw
28 mA +12V
28 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$212 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Quadrature LFO

The frequency of the LFO can be voltage controlled, the CV input is attenuverted.
You can use the LFO in a wider frequency range, from very low oscillations up to
above the audio range. There is another CV-input, which allows the LFO to be
pitched by volt/octave, the tracking is good over 2-3 octaves. A interesting
possibility is to patch an output of the module to the Rate CV input, so you can
create new waveforms that way while still controlling the LFO by the 1V/Oct.
Input. Using more than one module, you can create complicated and interesting
output waveforms, up to pseudo-chaotic signals, especially, when 2 or more
LFO´s are modulating each other by pitch.


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submitted Jul 31st 2017, 18:19 by ACLMusicalInstruments | last Change Nov 11th 2020, 13:07 by ACLMusicalInstruments

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