16 HP
55 mm deep
Current Draw
120 mA +12V
40 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$300 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Polyphonic Midi/USB-to-CV/Gate Interface

Module A-190-5 is a four voice Midi/USB to CV/Gate interface. For each voice a pitch control voltage (CV1, 1V/octave standard to control VCOs), a gate output (to control envelope generators) and two additional control voltages (CV2, CV3) are available. The two additional CV outputs can be controlled by Midi velocity, volume, modulation, pitch bend, after touch or free assignable Midi controllers.

These modes are planned (without obligation):

four voice monophonic (i.e. to control four monophonic voices by four succeeding Midi channels)
four voice polyphonic (i.e. to control four monophonic voices by one Midi channel) with several sub-modes (e.g. rotating / non-rotating)
two voice polyphonic (i.e. to control two monophonic voices by one Midi channel)
The basic mode is selected by means of a momentary switch (probably Mode or Algor.) and is shown in the LC display. Certain parameters of each mode can be edited (e.g. the midi channel(s), the midi reference note for 0V CV, assigned controllers for CV2 and CV3). For this the momentary switch Edit/Play is used. The parameter values (e.g. midi channels) are shown in the display and can be modified by means of the momentary switches 1...4. In Play mode the LEDs of these four switches display the gate states.


Ø 2.67 (3 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Oct 6th 2012, 13:36 by cartoonbomb | last Change Dec 20th 2018, 08:38 by cds

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Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?