8 HP
26 mm deep
Current Draw
13 mA +12V
13 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$200 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

The Gristleizer VCA module

The Gristleizer Modulator presents another key component of the Gristleizer in a Eurorack module - its JFET-controlled voltage-controlled amplifier. Whilst originally controlled by the Gristleizer's oscillator to achieve tremolo (or amplitude modulation) effects, the TG4 can be controlled by any control source available in a Eurorack system and, therefore, be used as a conventional VCA with some added features.

The Bias control sets the initial control point of the amplitude modulation, whilst a control voltage attenu-verter for CV2 allows for full control over how the amplitude is modulated. On top of this, the TG4 features a Dirt control, which allows the user to fade between the VCA's clean output and the distorted output of the JFET. Note that the JFET tends to exhibit second-harmonic distortion, similar to that of vacuum-tube amplifiers. Therefore, the TG4 presents not just a VCA, but also a module for adding distortion and character to audio signals.


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submitted Sep 3rd 2017, 18:21 by futuresoundsystems | last Change Apr 7th 2023, 16:46 by FG-Modular

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