18 HP
24 mm deep
Current Draw
70 mA +12V
65 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$435 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

Mega-Phase 12 (silver panel)

Analogue vintage style phaser based on the vintage 'Smallstone' Phaser circuit

The Mega-Phase 12 is a beautiful sounding phaser based on the original vintage EH 'SmallStone' phaser guitar effects pedal. It has been expanded from 4 to 12 stages, with unique switching which allows stages to be individually selected for both the Output and Resonance return paths.

It can be used in Mono IN, Mono Out mode or Mono IN, Stereo OUT mode, with the Stereo outputs taken from the Stage and Emphasis paths rather than the more usual inverted signal only method. AJH have added CV voltage control of Phasing depth and Emphasis (Resonance) levels, so that these can be fully controlled from other Eurorack modules or external voltage sources.

In addition to a manual Frequency control it includes two separate Frequency CV inputs: FCV1 and FCV 2, and the latter includes an attenuverter function. An inbuilt, wide ranging LFO is normalised to FCV 1 input, and the LFO has its own external output too.

Unique 'Wet' output and second Input with level control, which allow external effects to be patched into the Emphasis loop to create a second Emphasis path.


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submitted Apr 19th 2018, 20:25 by bunkerarchaeology | last Change Oct 18th 2020, 16:50 by fullmazeSH

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