This Module is currently available.
Polymorphic CV utility
Mix! Route! Mucord! Pan!
CVilization, is a compact Eurorack utility which packs a lot of functionality into a small form, thanks to a rather clever user interface. And while it may look very spacy and abstract at first, it's actually quite easy to learn.
CVilization's more obvious talents are mixing, routing and sequencing CV or audio signals. Under the hood, the processing options (quantization, sample & hold and glide), user presets, the performance tools and nifty CV control place CVilization at the very heart of any modular setup. Or as we like to say: CVilization has changed the way we approach modular composition!
Four operation modes are available:
Modes 1, 2 and 3 feature output processors such as Quantization, Sample & Hold and Glide.
Read all about CVilization on its product page, where you will also find a download link for the user guide. Then check out the ultimate cheat sheet, which is also included as hardcopy in the box. Note: The cheat sheet is meant as a quick reference for experienced users, while the user guide is essential reading for new CVilization owners.
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