4 HP
40 mm deep
Current Draw
25 mA +12V
25 mA -12V
180 mA 5V
$290 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Bluetooth MIDI-CV Adapter

The mi.1e 2|6 from Quicco Sound is a creativity-inspiring interface for controlling a Eurorack synthesizer using bluetooth-capable iOS devices. It features 3 pairs of CV outputs which can be configured to simultaneously produce voltage offsets, trigger or step sequences, user-designed LFOs, and clocking using the free mi.1e Control app. The bottom two jacks on the 2|6 allow for external clocking and reset for tight integration within a patch.


submitted Dec 14th 2018, 02:48 by Quicco | last Change Dec 14th 2018, 04:16 by Quicco

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