6 HP
Current Draw
80 mA +12V
80 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$229 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Crossfold modulation processor

The Crossfold is a new concept wavefolder: A high quality, compact, 8-stage, dual voltage-controlled crossfader, analog wavefolder/waveshaper from Antimatter Audio capable of producing subltle to extreme distortion, folding, and experimental synthesis.

Voltage controlled balance of two audio sources before processing through the high fidelity 8 stage wavefolder creates "crossfolds", unexpected and complex interactions of sound that can resemble through-zero FM synthesis, bizarre distortion, and even more mysterious results.

Discussion: https://www.muffwiggler.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=195956

As lovers of wave shapers, we refined the Crossfold to produce timbres and patches that we were always seeking, patches that were either not possible, or required many more modules to accomplish before the Crossfold.


The Crossfold utilizes high quality op amps, multiple high quality VCA chips, and a small army of resistors and diodes to create a unique, hi fidelity wavefolder capable of producing sounds yet unheard of!


The fold and range controls with voltage control provide the main intensity level, with the range control setting the scope of the fold control, traveling from single folds, up to eight, further into clipping, which compresses and offsets the folds both into the positive and negative range. A built in output limiter allows you to explore clipping effects without large volume spikes, while still allowing for a musical dynamic range.

The output stage has 3 modes selectable by a switch on the front panel: a voltage-controlled dry/wet of the input crossfader (great for balancing fundamental tones Vs added harmonics), wet vs. input 1 (great for mixing signals for the wet signal while maintaining a single dry signal), or as a final VCA to complete a voice or provide amplitude modulation of the output.

The Crossfold is capable of combining sources to produce low punchy basses, glassy marimbas, screaming synced leads, morphing alien drones, and much more. It even sounds amazing on bass guitar, thanks to its smooth distortion capabilities!

Antimatter Audio modules are proudly designed and assembled in Portland, OR, USA.

• 8 stage wavefolder

• High quality signal path

• Generates smooth to extreme distortion, folding, and experimental synthesis

• Dual integrated voltage controlled crossfaders

• Triple mode output stage with integrated limiter

• Create a complex oscillator by combining and experimenting with your existing oscillators

• Generate unexpected "CrossFolds" by combining various sources

• Reverse power protection

• 6hp

• $229

Ø 3.00 (2 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Dec 14th 2018, 20:57 by antimatteraudio | last Change Jul 21st, 19:36 by fader

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