26 HP
26 mm deep
Current Draw
53 mA +12V
14 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$200 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is discontinued.

Dual Sequencer

This is a dual sequencer, nothing really new but fun to play with, oriented to facilitate the interaction of both sequencers to get more complex patterns and polyrhythm. Very "hands on" CV source & good complement for more complex digital sequencers like Eloquencer, Performer etc.

There are 3 GLOBAL STYLES:
DUAL (2 totally independent 8 step sequencers)
PARALLEL (one sequencer with 2 rows of CV and 8 steps) 
SINGLE (one sequencer with 16 steps)

There are also those PLAY MODES:

There are 2 dedicated buttons (and trigger inputs) to change the sequencer behaviour, pressing 1 button will cycle between the play modes, pressing the 2 buttons will do it within the global styles.

Each sequencer has:
8 faders & 8 switches (1 per step)
1 master fader
1 switch for manual step & reset
clock, reset and mode inputs
2 gate outs
1 CV out (0 to +8 volts range, unquantized)

There are also 3 combined outputs, one out which is the sum of the 2 CVs of each sequencer and 2 gate outs which are combination of both sequencer gate lines, pretty handy if it's being used as a 16 steps single sequencer but also interesting when used in dual style.

8 position rotary switch to control the number of steps of the second sequencer, but also a switch allows to send that "reset" signal to the first sequencer instead of the second one, useful for the single 16 step style or to make both sequencers interact.  

It has 2 slew limiter circuits with input and output, so they can be used independently, by default they process the CV out of each sequencer, forcing the slew to the max will give as result like a weird-synched LFO, but also the gate outs could be plugged in to get like rudimentary envelopes.

The first sequencer has CV control over step repetition, it can be taken from the CV IN or from the second sequencer (the master fader has no effect over this, so the 8 lines of the fader correspond to the step repetition, from 1 clock per step to 8). That means that when used in parallel style, the lower row of faders will control the step duration, kind of like Metropolis or System 100-M sequencer.

Two jumper in the back of the module allows to use the "mode 2" input as reversed CV sum output, giving a total of 6 CV and 6 GATE outs.


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submitted Oct 9th 2019, 08:36 by M4ngu | last Change Jun 19th, 09:54 by M4ngu

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