This Module is discontinued.
Mix System Input Channel Module
XIN module is a part of CATOFF MIX analog modular mixing system.
This module provides one input mono audio channel with gain control, aux sends controls, channel volume knob, panning knob and muting switch. In addition, there are two jumpers to choose between AUX pre/post level control for both AUX channels on the back side of the module. Еach module has side stacking connection to the XOT master module or to other XIN modules. A lot of XIN modules can be connected to each other and must be combined with one XOT master-module. XIN modules can't be used without XOT module (sold separately or as a part of Complete Set). Thus, having connected XIN to XIN and finally to XOT, we get a stereo mixing console with as many input channels as we need.
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