10 HP
15 mm deep
Current Draw
25 mA +12V
6 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$175 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Quad AD Envelope & LFO Generator

QUART is a Quad AD Envelope & LFO Generator

An easy-to-handle module, perfect for those functions that you need without overthinking!

QUART has 4 independent functions that can work as Low Frequency Oscillators or Attack-Decay Envelopes depending on whether the Trigger Inputs is connected or not.

If the Trigger Input is not connected, the function will oscillate freely (LFO) but if a patch cable is connected, it will work as an Envelope (AD).

QUART also has 3 speed ranges for each
function, that will cover all your needs:

• FAST. Designed to perform audio range LFO, and very snappy envelopes.
• MEDIUM. Classic envelope Rise & Fall and normal LFO rates.
• SLOW. Convenient for long evolving patches and pads.

What can QUART do?

QUART will arrive on January 2020 ! Preorder available through https://nanomodul.es/quart/ and authorized dealers.

NANO Modules - 2020



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submitted Jan 3rd 2020, 15:26 by NANO-Modules | last Change May 24th 2022, 14:43 by NANO-Modules

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Found Sound


Nightlife Electronics


Perfect Circuit

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?