16 HP
25 mm deep
Current Draw
120 mA +12V
105 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Dual Function Generator

Dual Function Generator

  • LFO section
    Waveform: controlled/morphed manually via potentiometer or CV
    Morphs from Pulse (20-50-90%) -> Sinus (720°) -> Ramp (720°) -> Triangle (680°)

    Tempo: controlled via potentiometer or CV
    Center of potentiometer at: 4Hz +/- 8 Oktaves

    Repeats: controlled via potentiometer and reset in
    Can be adjusted from 1-14 repeats and endless loop (takes effect after reset in)

    ADSR-Mix: ADSR can be mixed onto LFO with potentiometer
    Sample and Hold: LFO can be switched into S&H mode
    Offset: can be toggled btw -5V to +5V and 0 to +10V via switch
    Input: 1xCV for waveform, 1xCV for tempo, 1xReset
    Output: LFO has one positive and one negative CV output

    Manual Trigger: one button to reset LFO (shared with ADSR)

  • ADSR section
    Curve: continuous exponentiell to linear response, controlled via potentiometer
    Ratchets: 16 different multi repeats of attacks, controlled via Attack and Decay sliders
    Loop: loop mode from Attack to Release, controlled via switch
    Freeze: all settings get freezes to keep exact positions
    Control: 4x30mm faders to control A, D, S and R segments
    Manual Trigger: one button to reset ADSR (shared with LFO)
    Output: ADSR has one positive and one negative CV output, further one trigger out at end of attack,
    one trigger out at end of decay
    Input: 1xGate in (>1V), four modulation inputs to control A, D, S, and R segments (0-5V)

Output Amplitude: 10VPP (LFO) / 7,5V (ADSR)
Frequency Range: LFO 0,016Hz (60s) - 284Hz / ADSR 0,4ms-10s (Attack); 0,8ms-20s (Decay/Release)
Trigger out: 2ms/10V


Ø 4.33 (3 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Feb 25th 2020, 13:07 by ziddabit | last Change Apr 3rd 2022, 18:27 by ziddabit

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NoisebugPerfect Circuit

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?