Yusynth clock diviser eurorack Design by Osica
his module is meant to be a complement of step sequencers or to be used to trigger events at regular beats. It provides a way of clocking up to three step sequencers at various rates from a single external master clock, the master clock rate can be divided by 1 (unchanged rate), 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 independently on the three dividers.
The three dividers can be clocked by the same clock signal on input IN #1, but a different master clock can be used for the second and third dividers by plugging it in the input IN #2 & 3.
The divided clock signals are available at outputs OUT #1, OUT #2 and OUT #3, and are visualized with LEDs.
A RESET input is provided to synchronize the dividers. Note that the outputs are all shaped to the same pulse width as that of the external clock.
Design by Osica: