This Module is currently available.
CV/Audio Mixer and Dual VCA
Blend has two CV sections each with:
1) Input (normalled to a +5V signal)
2) Attenuverter
3) Output
Blend takes the outputs of the two CV sections and offers the following:
1) Min output
2) Max output
3) Comparator output (level brought down to 4.5V)
4) Sum output
The min and max sections do not attempt to be precision min/max measurements. They will be within two diode drops of the actual min or max voltage.
There are two VCA sections that are also have a mix output. The CV input for each VCA is normalled to the output of a CV section. The VCA circuits are LM13700 based so they will slightly color the sound. The response curve is nearly linear but offers a slight exponential curve.
Date | Region | Description | Price | Seller |
EU | The overall condition of this *After Later Audio BLEND* is *like new* ... | €90,00 | Grinsichore |
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These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?