6 HP
32 mm deep
Current Draw
32 mA +12V
32 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$120 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

BLM Quad Quantizer MK2

Digital 0-10V to 0-5V quantizer module

Model: BLM Quad Quantizer MK2
width: 6hp
Current: +32mA,-32mA

What does this do?
This module converts 0-10V signals into 0-5V Quantized out signals. You can for example quantize your sequencer, envelope generator, or positive portion of a -5v/+5v signal (VCO).
You setup the scale you want using the knob, and all four inputs can act independently, however every channel is using the same scale.

Here are the Scales:
-Minor 7
-Whole Tone
-ASR Linear
-Tune Frequency mode: 4.75V. 440Hz 'A4' Musical Note.


submitted Aug 31st 2020, 18:01 by bluelantern | last Change Sep 1st 2020, 18:32 by motorhead412

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Found Sound

These merchants probably sell this module. Huh?