18 HP
25 mm deep
Current Draw
120 mA +12V
70 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$300 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Stereo Filter Frequency Scanner and VCA by kNoB technology

I wanted to create a flexible and powerful tool,
which can mix a large number of signals and process them.
Dragon-FLY is a combined device consisting of two signal processing cells, where each cell consists of an input mixer, a voltage-controlled filter, a voltage-controlled amplifier, as well as control where one signal controls both cells. It can be used in various ways and used in a variety of applications like mixing, filtering, amplification, frequency scanning.
- two multi-mode diode-based Sallen-Key 12db/oct filters with constantly available inputs of different types of cut and input attenuators
- two classic OTA VCA with lin and log characteristics
- voltage can control the cutoff frequency, resonance level, VCA gain, pan
- both filters can be controlled by one knob with different modes
User manual in PDF link https://vk.com/doc-67411427_594489540
Demo rev 1.0

Revision 1.5
Upgrade instructions https://vk.com/doc-67411427_594538399
In the new revision, we have reworked the filter core:
-Significantly improved work at low frequencies
The operation of the bandpass filter has changed:
-Q factor is directly related to the resonance level
Some changes:
-control voltage range for cutoff frequency and resonance level shifted from 0-10v to 0-5v for better control
All filters of revision 1.0 can be upgraded to version 1.5, for instructions write to us at knobtechnology@gmail.com
Demo rev 1.5

For order: write to knobtechnology@gmail.com

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submitted Sep 21st 2020, 18:04 by knobtechnology | last Change Apr 9th 2021, 11:31 by knobtechnology

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