8 HP
45 mm deep
Current Draw
40 mA +12V
40 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$140 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Quad VCA / VC Mixer (Vintage Edition)

A-135-2 is a miniature version of the A-135-1. Behind a front panel with 8 HP only four linear VCAs (voltage controlled amplifiers) and a voltage controlled mixer based on the VCAs are available.
Controls, In/Outputs and Functions of each VCA:
Level (manual control of the VCA amplification), small rubberized knob (L1...L4)
Control voltage input with associated attenuator (CV1...CV4), for the full VCA control range about 0...+5V control voltage are required (attenuator fully clockwise), for higher control voltages the attenuator is used, the attenuators are without knobs, just plastic shafts with white marker
Signal Input
Signal Output
All inputs and outputs are DC coupled. Consequently the VCAs can be used to process both audio and control voltages (e.g. to control the level of LFOs or envelopes)
The signal input is not equipped with an attenuator. But the VCAs can process all signals up to 15Vpp / -7.5...+7.5V without clipping. In case of higher levels an external attenuator is required (e.g. A-183-1).
The available amplification range is 0...1, the maximal amplification is 1 (i.e. it "clips" and remains at 1 even if the control voltage goes beyond the value that corresponds to amplification 1)
Functions of the voltage controlled mixers:
two outputs ("Selected" and "All")
Selected output: the ouput if a VCA is removed from this sum signal when a plug is inserted into the corresponding VCA output.
All output: sum of all VCA outputs, regardless of inserted plugs into the VCA outputs
The maximal amplification is about 0.6 to avoid clipping at the mixer outputs (otherwise the outputs may distort with 15Vpp signals at each signal input and full amplifications)
Special functions of the voltage controlled mixer (selectable by internal jumpers)
Dual Stereo VCA: In this case the control unit of VCA1 (L1 + CV1) affects also VCA3 and the control unit of VCA2 (L2 + CV2) affects also VCA4. The control units of VCA3 (L3 + CV3) and VCA4 (L4 +CV4) are out of operation.
Quad VCA: In this case the control unit of VCA1 (L1 + CV1) affects all four VCAs. The control units of VCA2, VCA3 and VCA4 are out of operation. In this mode the module has the same function as module A-132-2. That's why module A-132-2 will be discontinued.
Normalling of the signal inputs: by means of internal jumpers signal input 1 can be normalled to signal input 2, signal input 2 to signal input 3 and signal input 3 to signal input In 4. That way the same input signal can be distributed to four different channels by means of control voltages (e.g. quadrophonic distribution of audio signals). Suitable control voltage sources are e.g. A-144 (Morphing Controller) or A-143-9 (Quadrature LFO).
Additional technical specification for each VCA (based on the specifications of the VCA circuits CEM3360/AS3360 used in the module):

Crosstalk between VCAs: typ. - 80dB
Signal attenuation at 0V CV: typ. -70dB
Total harmonic distortion: typ. 1%
Control voltage feedthrough: max. 15mV


Ø 4.62 (8 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Nov 17th 2020, 12:04 by Flieher | last Change Oct 17th 2024, 20:14 by tsope

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