12 HP
22 mm deep
Current Draw
100 mA +12V
15 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$205 Price in €

This Module is discontinued.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Multiverb space unit eurorack version

A+ Astronaut Modular is a eurorack version of the Astronaut III space reverb. Astronaut III has gained a worldwide following as a multifunctional reverb pedal for guitar and bass. Now, it has been adapted to eurorack modular systems: we have reworked the form factor, retained all the original features, and added CV control over certain parameters. The whole sonic palette of the Astronaut III (ranging from traditional reverb patches to complex acoustic structures and arpeggios) is available in the Astronaut Modular. The module has 22 algorithms along with the Hold (infinite sustain) mode. The Astronaut Modular is a true inspiration machine!

Astronaut Modular: Key Features

  • 22 algorithms for reverb, delay and freeze (the latter come from the Shift Line Force microsampler).
  • Hold Mode: CV-controlled infinite sustain.
  • CV control over DECAY, CHARACTER and HOLD.
  • Convenient width (12HP).
  • Fully analog dry signal path.
  • The option to boost the output signal volume.
  • Separate MIX and WET (Kill Dry) outs.
  • Indication via 3 LEDs.


  1. The VOLUME knob controls the MIX OUT volume (with an option to boost the signal).
  2. The MIX knob controls the ratio between the wet and dry signals at MIX OUT.
  3. The PROGRAM knob selects algorithms within a bank.
  4. The BANK button switches between the two banks.
  5. The DECAY knob controls the size and spatial/acoustic parameters of the selected algorithm. It controls reverb decay length as well as feedback in certain algorithms (read more in the "List of Algorithms" section).
  6. The CHARACTER knob controls an extra parameter of the selected algorithm (read more in the "List of Algorithms" section).
  7. The HOLD button activates Hold Mode (infinite sustain) when pressed and held.


  • IN is a mono input for the incoming signal.
  • MIX OUT is a mono output for the dry/wet mix (the ratio is controlled by the MIX knob).
  • WET OUT is a mono output for the wet signal only.
  • CHARACTER CV is an input for CV control over the CHARACTER knob (10Vptp).
  • HOLD CV is an input for CV control over the HOLD button. The effect is the same as holding the button. The input is set to a +2V threshold.
  • DECAY CV is an input for CV control over the DECAY knob (10Vptp).

In case of CV control, the DECAY and CHARACTER knobs set the middle point of their respective parameters and the control voltage shifts that point within a ±5V range. When the DECAY and/or CHARACTER knob is set fully counterclockwise, CV will only increase the setting; if the knob is set fully clockwise, CV will only decrease the setting.

The WET and MIX outs can be used simultaneously.

LED Indication

Upon startup, the LEDs indicate the selected bank:
- LEDs glow white: Bank 1 is selected.
- LEDs glow blue: Bank 2 is selected.

When Hold Mode is active, the LEDs flash and spin in a circle.

List of Algorithms

All sounds are split into pairs and divided between two banks. Each bank holds 11 algorithms.
Bank 1 contains the basic sound in each pair, Bank 2 holds its alternate version.

Press the BANK button to switch between the two banks. When Bank 1 is selected, the LEDs glow white. When Bank 2 is selected, the LEDs glow blue. Turn the PROGRAM knob to select one of the 11 algorithms from within the selected Bank.

Classic Reverbs

  • Room and Plate are classic reverb sounds. The CHARACTER knob controls pre-delay (0 to 200 ms). In Hold Mode, decay becomes infinite.

  • Spring and Modulated reverbs are exactly what their names say. The CHARACTER knob controls the "body" of the Spring and modulation rate for Modulated reverb.

Space Reverbs

  • SkyNet and SkyNet-2 are spacious, futuristic reverbs with controllable DECAY. The CHARACTER knob provides mild low-pass filtering for SkyNet and high-pass filtering for SkyNet-2.

  • ShimUp and ShimUp-2 are classic shimmers with different sound characteristics. For ShimUp-2, the CHARACTER knob is a resonant low-pass filter on reverb tails. In ShimUp, CHARACTER is a resonant low-pass filter for the octaver, set at the input.

  • ShimUpDown combines the best parts of octave-up and octave-down shimmers with a few special ingredients. This algorithm works best for atmospheric, soundtrack-type music. The CHARACTER knob provides mild low-pass filtering.
    ShimDown is a reverb with a lower octave controlled by the CHARACTER knob. This algorithm works particularly well for thick bass lines. Set the mix to 100% wet for a nice string pad.

  • Universe M-1 and Universe M-2 are complex effects aimed at creating walls of sound. Sonically, they can turn your signal into an organ going through rotary speakers, a reverb, and a mild flanger/phaser. The CHARACTER knob controls the rate of the phaser in Universe M-1 and flanger in Universe M-2.


In the Astronaut Modular, arpeggiators add random notes from a selected scale to the main sound. The rate of changing the notes is controlled by the CHARACTER knob. The resulting sound is then processed through a reverb for good measure.

  • Eva Maj Arp and Eva Min Arp add major and minor arpeggios to the main sound. These algorithms work best for single notes. Select the Major Arp for a dreamy, cheerful and inspiring tone, or choose the Minor Arp for a more solemn mood.

  • Eva Octave Arp randomly goes through octaves and sounds good with chords. Eva Random Arp is quite unpredictable as it adds completely random intervals to the main sound

Filters, Delays and Freeze Reverbs

  • Cm-112 Step Filter is an unorthodox filter with nods to effects that have become staples in electronic music. The sound goes through the reverb first, then through the step filter with an additional internal filter. This algorithm allows for a wide range of sounds via just two knobs. CHARACTER controls the step changing rate, while DECAY controls the depth of the filter and the mix between the dry and filtered sound.
    Mechanics Delay is a combination of short delay and longer reverb reflections for futuristic soundscapes.

  • Ping-Pong is a delay with repeats alternating between forward and reverse. DECAY controls feedback, CHARACTER controls delay time.
    Reverse Delay is a delay with reverse repeats. DECAY controls feedback, CHARACTER controls delay time.

  • Force Roar and Force OctDn are differently voiced freeze reverb algorithms from the Shift Line Force. They capture and freeze the signal when the HOLD button is pressed. The effect is active as long as the HOLD button is pressed down (or HOLD CV is over +2V). Press the HOLD button again to freeze a new signal. The DECAY knob is inactive; it is recommended to turn it fully CCW for best results. In Force Roar, the CHARACTER knob controls a resonant low-pass filter that can dramatically change the sound. In Force OctDn, the CHARACTER knob controls slow detuning of the wet signal: detune is active when the knob is turned past 12 o'clock.

Hold Mode (Infinite Sustain)

Press and hold the HOLD button to simulate turning the DECAY knob to the max. In this mode, reverbs become infinite or very long (2–5 minutes), delays go into maximum feedback, and LEDs start blinking and spinning around. Release the HOLD button to let the decay go back to the setting of the DECAY knob and/or CV.


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submitted Nov 18th 2020, 12:04 by invazia | last Change Jan 28th, 13:04 by invazia

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