8 HP
40 mm deep
Current Draw
110 mA +12V
110 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$239 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Dual signal transmutator

SIGNOS is an incredibly versatile dual channel utility and waveshaper module for CV and audio processing in just 8HP.

Both X and Y channels feature a classic / unipolar VCA with separate normal and inverted outputs, a polarizer / four-quadrant multiplier / bipolar VCA, a -5V to +5V manual offset voltage that gets summed with their respective channel's bipolar VCA outputs and a red/green LED indicator for this output. The offset voltage can be used on its own if no input signal is present.

X and Y sums of their bipolar VCAs output + offset (X+offset and Y+offset) are then feeded to these logic and waveshaper circuits:

  • AND analog diode logic gate: outputs the minimum of X+offset and Y+offset.

  • OR analog diode logic gate: outputs the maximum of X+offset and Y+offset.

  • MOD waveshaper: represents the mathematical modulo operation as a CV modulator and waveshaper, with both X+offset and Y+offset affecting different parts of this circuit.

  • SHIFT waveshaper: originally designed to pitch-shift sawtooth waves up an octave, it can also do interesting wave-mangling to all kinds of signals.

All of the above are just the module’s building blocks, only the tip of the iceberg of what SIGNOS can do. It naturally lends itself to feedback patching techniques within itself and/or other modules, complex waveshaping, external signal processing and more. The limits of what SIGNOS can do are completely up to you.

Like all of our modules, it features reverse polarity power protection.

Check out the user manual for more details and patch examples!

Olivella Modular | Eurorack modules designed and made in Argentina.

Ø 5.00 (5 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Nov 29th 2020, 01:57 by PoloAudiovisual | last Change May 22nd, 10:56 by PoloAudiovisual

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