22 HP
25 mm deep
Current Draw
280 mA +12V
160 mA -12V
0 mA 5V

Module is available as a DIY project only.

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Dual Specular Benjolin

BE2N is a 22HP eurorack module with two specular Benjolins at its core.
It is intended as a re-design strictly for no-commercial use.
Use it to test and expand your soldering abilities and to investigate this incredible circuit and its sonic capabilities.

Authors and credits:
To Rob Hordijk creator and original designer of the Benjolin - a mentor and a genuine synth wizard.
To Peter Edwards - aka Casper Electronics - for his early and extensive work on the Rungler expansions and mods.
To Forest Caver, for his eurorack open source adaptation of the Benjolin which this version is based on.
To Derek Holzer from Macumbista for the tip on the Rungler bit out implementation.
License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

1F - Oscillator one frequency
1V - Oscillator one frequency input modulation
Normalled internally to Benjolin Two oscillator two triangle out.
2V - Oscillator two frequency input modulation3
Normalled internally to Benjolin Two oscillator one triangle out.
2F - Oscillator two frequency
XI - XOR4 input
CI - Clock input
2O - Rungler bit 2 out – blue led
The order of operation is pin 2, 12, 3. These outputs are great drum triggers.
3O - Rungler bit 3 out – red led
1R - Rungler amount on oscillator one
1V - Attenuator of oscillator one frequency input modulation
2V - Attenuator of oscillator two frequency input modulation
2R - Rungler amount on oscillator one
LO - Rungler loop offset
02 EX - Switch to select the Rungler shift register clock source: from oscillator
two or from an external clock plugged in CI input
1O - Rungler bit 12 out – green LED
T1 - Oscillator one triangle out
P1 - Oscillator one pulse out
P2 - Oscillator two pulse out
T2 - Oscillator two triangle out
XO - XOR out
RV - Rungler CV input
01 LP EX - Switch to select the Rungler shift register serial in source: Oscillator
one (Rungler signal), loop or external input
EX IN - Switch to select the filter audio input - from an external signal or from
the internal compared oscillators waves
IF - Filter audio input
AA - Filter audio input attenuator
LV - Filtered out level
MO - Main Out = Filtered out
FF - Filter frequency
FV - Filter frequency CV input
Normalled internally to Benjolin Two oscillator two triangle out.
FA - Filter frequency CV input attenuator
RF - Filter resonance
FR - Filter Rungler amount
FS - Filter Sweep
It sweeps the filter cutoff up and down, controlled by the triangle wave coming from oscillator two.
VA - Vactrol VCA input - it effects the MO - filtered out
PM - PWM out

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submitted Dec 21st 2020, 15:16 by Jolin | last Change Jul 25th, 16:22 by Jolin

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