2 HP
35 mm deep
Current Draw
20 mA +12V
18 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$150 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

VCA, Wavefolder, Distortion, Tone, Feedback

AGNI - is our pride
AGNI - is a complex signal processing device that includes: voltage-controlled amplifier (VCA) combined
with a Wavefolder, then the signal goes to the Distortion section, which amplifies and distorts the signal,
then the signal is filtered by a passive filter( you can cut high or low frequencies) and goes to the output amplifier, AGNI also has a feedback block that provides an output signal to the input of the device.
Discrete VCA + diode-based wavefolder
The proprietary distortion control circuit
The ability to modulate one signal with another signal in the full audio range

For order: write to knobtechnology@gmail.com

PDF manual and Technical specification https://vk.com/doc-67411427_590970740


Demo and tutorial:

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submitted Mar 10th 2021, 12:47 by knobtechnology | last Change Jun 10th 2021, 08:28 by knobtechnology

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