2 HP
30 mm deep
Current Draw
Module does not draw current
$59 Price in €

Available as an assembled Module and as a DIY project.

This Module is currently available.

Passive MIDI breakout on 3.5mm TRS sockets

The Tiny MIDI breakout provides 3.5mm TRS MIDI connectors for compatible modules with breakout headers - the disting mk4, disting EX, ES-9, General CV, and FH-2.

It can also be used with modules from other manufacturers e.g. the Michigan Synth Works F8R.

The six sockets can be shared amongst modules as needed. The module is entirely passive, and can be wired up for Type A or Type B 3.5mm MIDI.



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submitted Jul 1st 2021, 08:19 by os | last Change Jan 15th, 08:36 by intowhite

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