12 HP
27 mm deep
Current Draw
90 mA +12V
90 mA -12V
? mA 5V
$467 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Analogue Oscillator - Through-Zero FM

FM with tonality! At its core, the Instruō neóni is a traditional analogue
oscillator. What sets it apart from other oscillators in the Instruō product
line is it’s Through-Zero FM functionality with AC and DC coupled
operation. Add that to its precision soft sync and directional hard sync
modes, nonlinear wavefolding, internal modulation routings, and you
end up with the most tonal FM sounds imaginable.

Unlike traditional FM, where an oscillator momentarily stalls as negative
voltage pulls its frequency down to 0 Hz, neóni inverts the polarity
of its waveforms until positive voltage pulls it back through 0 Hz.
This behavior allows for complex waveforms with less non-harmonic
sidebands. Less clang, more bang!
Drop it all to subsonic territory for organic modulations of
morphable voltage.

• Linear through-zero & traditional FM with AC & DC
coupled functionality
• Internal modulation routing and general-purpose CV input
with attenuator
• Split sawtooth morphing and nonlinear wavefolding
• Precision soft sync
• Directional hard sync
• Individual waveform outputs
• LFO mode


Ø 4.86 (7 Votes) Average Rating
submitted Oct 15th 2021, 16:01 by instruo | last Change Oct 15th 2021, 16:13 by instruo

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