6 HP
33 mm deep
Current Draw
65 mA +12V
65 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$140 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Dual VCA with Velocity

The vcA Team is a dual Voltage Controlled Amplifier conceived with dynamic expression control in mind.
With Velocity control on both VCA channels, vcA Team expands the creative use of amplitude variations on your patch, bringing not only control over the contour but also over the loudness of your sound .


Dual VCA.
Velocity control over both VCA channels.
Linear and Exponential response.
CV input with Attenuator-Inverter.
Mixed output.
DC-coupled inputs.


submitted Apr 30th 2022, 08:37 by mikeleebirds | last Change Mar 31st 2023, 16:24 by FG-Modular

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