6 HP
40 mm deep
Current Draw
20 mA +12V
0 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$235 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

USB Midi Host, Device, TRS, Dual I2C and extra function expander for the NerdSEQ

A new Midi/I2C and functions expander for the NerdSEQ.
Featuring these new IO Ports:

USB Host -> Connect any Midi Class Compliant gear like a Launchpad, Midi Keyboard etc
USB Device -> Connect to your Computer and get a new XOR Midi Device for direct Computer NerdSEQ Midi communication
TRS-A Midi -> Classic Midi connection using a stereo jack cable (adapters for DIN Midi Connectors included)
2x I2C Ports -> Each can be either leader or follower. Connect your I2C capable module (like 16n, ER301, distingEX, Just Friends and others) and get access to 100 virtual patch-cables. The I2C Ports can be configured to be with or without pullup and 3,3 or 5 Volt. Both ports are located on the backside of the module but one port is also additionally located on the front (to connect an external 16n faderbox for example). A new pattern-type can be used with I2C which allows multiple notes, the drummatrix (known from the Trigger16 Expander), custom I2C commands and much more.
Midi CC or I2C inputs from like a faderbank can be used to manipulate every parameter within the NerdSEQ as well for euclidean input or direct note input and much more...
Additional Buttons and an encoder Knob -> Dial in notes, change the euclidean triggerpoints by turning the knob, change parameters with the knob...

Current draw (+12V) 20mA, plus possible Midi Gear (eg Launchpad Mini MK3 130 mA)

This expander replaces the current Midi Expaders for the NerdSEQ. An additional breakout for the Gamepad port will be available at release time.



Ø 5.00 (2 Votes) Average Rating
submitted May 11th 2022, 05:02 by ParanormalPatroler | last Change Nov 23rd 2023, 01:08 by firestARTer

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