8 HP
34 mm deep
Current Draw
62 mA +12V
0 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$171 Price in €

Module is available as a DIY project only.

This Module is currently available.

Specs are approved by the manufacturer

Algorithmic Gate Sequencer

EUCLIDEAN is a gate sequencer for the Eurorack format based on the euclidean algorithm. It is based on the euclidean DIY module developed by Music Thing Modular’s Tom Whitwell, and he has blessed this module with his approval.

The module consists of three channels of sixteen step sequences, and each channel can be set to any length, density and offset between one an sixteen. You get clear visual feedback due to the 8×8 matrix LED display, and setting each channel is easily done with the three encoders.

EUCLIDEAN is perfect for creating polymetric rhythms, odd time signature sequencing or clock division with a twist.

The module runs an internal clock set to 120 BPM by default, but can be triggered and reset externally. Each sequencer channel has a dedicated trigger output. In addition, the first channel has an inverted output that outputs triggers on every offbeat.

Available as DIY kit at Thonk and Exploding Shed!


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submitted May 15th 2022, 13:06 by sebsongsmodular | last Change Mar 6th 2024, 15:36 by sebsongsmodular

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