17 HP
35 mm deep
Current Draw
150 mA +12V
0 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$294 Price in €

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Guitar controllable vocoder / synthesizer / oscillator

The abbreviation PGV stands for Parametric Guitar Vocoder denoting the difference from a traditional vocoder that merely modulates the guitar signal based on the vocal spectrum. The PGV instead does a full analysis of the guitar signal, and measures the pitch and amplitude of all the strings. Based on that data, the PGV does independent synthesis for all the six string signals with their spectra solely based on the vocal spectrum. Thus the PGV converts the vocal singer voice to multiple voices which follow the pitch and amplitude of the activated strings of the guitar. When the parameters are measured, they also can be modified in the synthesis, typically using a guitar effect pedal. The available effects are vibrato, pitch bend, VCF, and spectrum shift (from "baby" to "giant" voice).

The PGV also makes a versatile guitar interface for any Eurorack system even without the vocal input, because it also includes “pilot” oscillators for each string, i.e. it outputs FM modulated sinewaves in the string pitch notes. Because the modulation index is controlled by the corresponding string amplitude, it allows dynamic control of the sound by the picking strength of the guitarist. The website www.audiospektri.com has several demos and tutorials on the use of the PGV. It is also available as a standalone version in a stompbox format.


submitted Aug 2nd 2022, 07:28 by Audiospektri | last Change Nov 16th 2022, 18:19 by motorhead412

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