18 HP
29 mm deep
Current Draw
60 mA +12V
60 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$495 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

Haible VC Poly Resonator

The Haible VC Resonator is an evolution of Jürgen Haible’s Resonator, inspired by the Polymoog Resonator. As Jürgen stated: “The Polymoog, an early polyphonic synthesizer, featured a 3-band “Resonator” section that allows Formant-Filtering in addition to its dynamic Filters. Such a resonator is a very useful feature for analog synthesizers”. Each of the three (now overlapping) filter bands has control for frequency, signal gain, and emphasis (resonance). The VC Resonator now not only adds VC control for each band but also extends the ranges within which each frequency band can be set - adjacent bands can now overlap or even cross over. For instance, the LOW and MED bands can now be set (or be moved!) so that the LOW center frequency is higher than the MED frequency.

Jürgen’s original Resonator (like the Polymoog) had a switch to select one of 3 basic modes, i.e. only one mode could be used at a time. The Haible VC Resonator now provides the same 3 modes as separate outputs to be used simultaneously, e.g. for further processing like crossfading.

Some details of the Haible VC Resonator:
- Evolution of Jürgen Haible's design
- Added Voltage Control for Filter bands
- Extended range of each band (overlapping)
- Three separate outputs
- Burr-Brown op-amps and high-end VCAs
- Eurorack (3U) format, 18 hp
- Skiff-friendly: < 30mm deep
- Power: approx. 60mA @ +12V and 60mA @ -12V


submitted Apr 27th 2023, 12:51 by miar94 | last Change May 23rd 2023, 11:55 by ParanormalPatroler

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