16 HP
40 mm deep
Current Draw
42 mA +12V
35 mA -12V
? mA 5V

This Module is a prototype or in a concept phase.

8-Voice Polyphonic Audio VCA / Mixer

Is a eight voice polyphonic analog audio VCA plus a eight voice mixer with master level control and odd/even (Right and Left) channels for a stereo output and clipping indicator. All eight VCA ins and outs are simultaneously available through Polytip jacks and 3.5mm jacks so the module can be used in a variety of ways both polyphonic or multi-voice monophonic. The fully analog audio path has exponential CV control. CV inputs are 0-5V, typical audio input is 10Vp.p. A global Offset knob allow to open all VCAs manually or apply positive offset to incoming CV. The design uses very low power consumption with excellent audio quality.


submitted May 15th 2023, 02:12 by circuitburst | last Change Mar 20th, 18:25 by ezra

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