12 HP
36 mm deep
Current Draw
96 mA +12V
24 mA -12V
0 mA 5V
$250 Price in €

This Module is currently available.

HNW Machine XL by Gen Thalz

HNW Machine XL Eurorack version is an analog dissonance generator and an effects unit that turns whatever the audio (line or modular level) input is into harsh noise wall! Experience harsh noise wall in voltage controlled stereo out.

HNW Machine XL Eurorack version is an analog dissonance generator and an effects unit that turns whatever the audio (line or modular level) input is into harsh noise wall! Runs at 96mA (+12v) and 24mA (-12v) peak to peak in a sexy 12hp, 36mm depth in a through-hole technology and aluminum front panel. Experience harsh noise wall in voltage controlled stereo out.

Made by Gen Thalz.

Buy here:

Demo video:


submitted May 22nd 2023, 14:10 by yotzeret_sheydim | last Change May 22nd 2023, 14:15 by yotzeret_sheydim

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